Legal notice

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SBF (Solar Balloon France)
Sole proprietorship
M Thierry Laurent
Service delivery

Address :
359 avenue Guillaume Fichet
74130 Bonneville

Phone : Click here
Email :

SIRET : Ongoing
TVA : Ongoing
RCS : Ongoing

Website design and production :
SBF (Solar Balloon France)

Website hosting :
12-14, Rond Point des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris
Phone : (33) 1 70 99 53 41

Data Protection and Freedom Act
Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés
8 rue Vivienne - CS 30223
75083 PARIS Cedex 02

This website is declared to the French CNIL (French policy about privacy)
under registration number : Ongoing.

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