Solar balloon / solar hot air balloon 10m³
(Metric system)
Fly your mobile phone and film your surroundings.
Characteristic: Solar balloon made in two parts!
- Volume : 10m
- Surface : 23.6m
- 19mm adhesive: 55m
- Thrust ** : ≃ 900g
- Envelope weight: 472g
- Payload: 250g
- Matter: 36 100L garbage bags, low-end
- Matter: LDPE (low density polyethylene), thickness 20µ
Ease manufacturing

Manufacturing cost
 < than 20€
** Reference thrust: 90g/m³ (Latitude: 46.7°N - Month: July - Time: 8 am UTC)
Mark the cutting points, according to the plan, on the alf-gores.
After cutting, weld the gores according to the welding plan. |
Repeat the operation to obtain a high level and a low level. |
Weld the 2 floors by adjusting the edges and weld the balloon along its entire length. |
At the bottom of the balloon, mark the drilling points on the gores. |
Prepare loops to place in the holes. |